A divorce in Colorado is called a Dissolution of Marriage. Colorado is among a handful of states that also permit Legal Separations, which for military spouses are sometimes a good option for a variety of reasons.
Colorado laws governing dissolution or legal separation are found in The Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act, 14-10-101 et seq. Laws pertaining to paternity, child support, and child custody jurisdiction and enforcement of child custody orders are found in 14-13-101 et seq.; Section 14-5-101 et seq. and 19-4-101 et seq. There are others but these are the most frequently invoked statutes.
Where parties not hostile or capable of overcoming major animosity, we do collaborative divorce or legal separation and can undertake limited scope representation to help draw up papers for those who have managed to work together and simply need help executing their agreements. If you need help simply drawing up an agreement, we do not represent either party, and this is something that needs to be understood and agreed to by both spouses.